Salary Information about "WonderCorporation"
Annual Income: | 4880K Yen |
(40667 USD) | |
Average Age: | 43.3 |
Employee Number: | 564 |
Annual Income(USD) calculated by 1USD = 120YEN
Annual Income of WonderCorporation
Years | Annual Income | Average Age | Years of Service | Employee Number |
2019 | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) | 43.3 | 16.7 | 564 |
2018 | 4980K Yen (41500 USD) | 42.6 | 15.8 | 573 |
* Data from securities report
Annual Income Ranking
Annual Income Ranking of WonderCorporation
Years | Rank | Remark |
2019 | 3013 / 3760 Companies | 2019 TOP100 |
2018 | 1983 / 2388 Companies | 2018 TOP100 |
Nikkei 225 (2023/11/30) |
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in Tokyo Stock Exchange (2023/11/30) |
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Companies List Annual Income close to WonderCorporation(2019)
Company | Category | Annual Income |
YAMASHINA CORPORATION | Metal Products | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
OLIVER CORPORATION | Other Products | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
OIE SANGYO CO., LTD. | Wholesale Trade | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
MAXVALU NISHINIHON CO.,LTD. | Others | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
UNITED ARROWS LTD. | Retail Trade | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
WonderCorporation | Retail Trade | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
The Miyazaki Taiyo Bank, Ltd. | Banks | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
TOKYU RECREATION CO., LTD. | Services | 4880K Yen (40667 USD) |
COMO CO.,LTD. | Foods | 4870K Yen (40583 USD) |
SANKO SANGYO CO.,LTD. | Other Products | 4870K Yen (40583 USD) |
Shirai Electronics Industrial Co.,Ltd. | Electric Appliances | 4870K Yen (40583 USD) |
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